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Showing posts from April, 2018

Life is Shot: Photo Journal #1

Some days you come home and there are just chicks in you laundry room...  But how can you say "no" to that face? Easter art by Lucy Easter outfit by mom   Jesse decided (on his own) it was time to stay the night at grandma's house.  He was pretty disappointed to find out it wasn't. Brace for impact during every elevator ride. Lucy has lost both of her top front teeth.  He bark is worse than her bite. Mystery of the month: Who is this green haired super saiyan? Short silly video: Lucy can ride her bike with no training wheels.  Kid's still love rolly pollies.  And Jesse is apparently a Chris Tomlin fan.

Great Novels: It

I had never read Stephen King before, so reading It last year  I didn’t really know what to expect.  In fact I have to admit that in school I never understood the kids I saw carrying around tomes from the library with "Stephen King" written on the cover.  I didn't much like horror movies and couldn't imaging reading the book version for fun.  However, based on the fact King literally wrote the book On Writing, I had high hopes for a great novel.   It did not disappoint. The characters feel super real, very alive and relatable. By the end of the book, characters I found really annoying I grew to love and I felt sympathy for the psychopathic school yard bully. (WARNING: Spoilers below this point) What I liked As I mentioned, King’s character development in It is amazing. Even the seemingly tangential characters have personal details and deep backstories. Probably the best example of this I can think of is Stan Uris’s wife Patricia. Most of one cha...