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Showing posts from January, 2021

Some Goals for 2021

I have had a lot of time by myself recently.  I'm working away from home for a few months and my family hasn't been with me for several weeks of that.  I've tried my best to use that time for some productive self reflection, contemplation, navel gazing, etc.  The product of that is a list of goals for the year.  I wanted to put (some of) these out there publicly for some positive social pressure. Recreation & Relationship To start off, I'd like a little more fun in my life.  And I'd like to have that fun with people who I cherish. Have at least one meaningful, memorable one on one experience with each of my children.  This time apart from my family has highlighted  just how valuable time spent together is.  We're pretty good at finding ways to have fun all together at home.  We play board games, read books aloud (we read the first four Harry Potter books last year), spend time outdoors, etc.  But I have not been very good at spending...