Installation Installing +Arch Linux was honestly a little more work than I was expecting. I for some reason was under the impression that Arch LInux was a works out of the box sort of distro. I was sorely mistaken, installing Arch was a lot more like fighting balrogs; trying to get Gentoo working. Not the simple insert cd come back in 25 minutes and your done kind of install that I am accustomed to with +Ubuntu . I had to try and try again to get grub2 to actually work, mostly because I wasn't very good at following directions... Though in my defense I believe that the installation guide for Arch could use a little clarifying. I was somewhat suprised that after initial install Arch Linux has no network up by default. So after getting that worked out it was just a matter of installing the correct drivers for my wireless card, which I have to do in Ubuntu actually though the process much simpler, still not...