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Lunch time in The Dirty!

    The Dalles has quite a few restaurants relative to it's size.  Some are great some are down right bad.  
    These are my five favorite places to eat lunch in The Dalles in no particular order.  Some are old favorites and others are relatively new establishments.  All serve delicious food and drink.

Montira's Thai
    Montira's is the only thai place in town.  But that lack of competition doesn't keep them from delivering a quality product.  Other restaurants of the Asian variety have them beat as far as portion size and price go but they serve a quality product consistently.  I can't say that about many other places in town.
    Montira's serves really great food for a decent price.  Just be warned if you ask for extra-spicy you will feel it all the next day...  But its worth it if you really like spicy.

    Spooky's is one of those places that this town wouldn't be the same without.  Its almost the default place to meet people for food.  Good sandwiches and burgers, decent pizza.  You can grab a pint or espresso if you are so inclined.  If you are looking for a really light lunch the soup du jour is usually something delicious and always fresh.  And just FYI Spooky's is home to the best (and biggest) damn reuben sandwich around!

Petite Provence
    I have to admit I don't often get "lunch" per se at Petite Provence, though their sandwiches and such are good.  Petite has a variety of omelettes and other breakfast foods that are awesome.  Maybe I'm  weird but I love a good omelette for lunch.  And if you are in the mood for an afternoon espresso they have you covered.  Not the best coffee in town but they do offer it and it goes nice with the food and atmosphere.

The Riverenza
    If you like to get a nice espresso and a good sandwich this is the place to go.  The Riverenza may just have the best coffee in town and is a relaxing place to be with friends.  
     You just might want to avoid going during the High School's lunch hour.  They are extremely busy during this time since they are right next door.  Plus high-schoolers can be... well, high-schoolers.

La Fogata Grill
    La Fogata Grill is another place you are going to want to avoid while high schoolers are about.  If you are a fan of good Mexican food, particularly the variety that is served out of a cart or a van or something, La Fogata is excellent.  I don't think I could recommend it enough.
    La Fogata is extremely inexpensive and so tasty my wife and I would often rather go here than the much more expensive sit down Mexican restaurants that are in town.  Not that the places aren't any good.  They just don't quite have the same value as La Fogata.  It is not often that you can grab a whole meal for less than $5 and satisfy both your stomach and your pallet.


  1. The Monte Carlo at Petite Provence is (imo) the best lunch in TD

    1. I never get past the breakfast page of the menu. ha. It's been a while since I have had a sandwich there. I need to give them a try again. I just love their omlettes so much.


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