Once upon a time I owned a 1994 Toyota Camry . I drove it something like 6 miles everyday for a few years (a meager commute). At that time my job also involved a good amount of sitting and staring at a screen. Making the realization that I was spending about ⅓ of my day sleeping, and the other ⅔ I was spending sitting was a big eye opener. Pair this with the fact that I was weighing in at 240 lbs and it was becoming pretty obvious that I needed to make some changes in my life. One of the first things I did was get a bike. At that point I hadn’t ridden a bike since I was about 12 years old. Luckily, as the old proverb suggests, once you learn you never forget. I soon started riding that bike to and from work just bout every single day. It took some time but eventually I was able to make the uphill trip home without feeling completely exhausted. I rode that bike just about every day until winter hit. However, even thoug...