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Playing Mari0 on Ubuntu 12.04

If you are looking to play Mari0 on Ubuntu you may have run into a bit of a roadblock because love 0.8.0 is not yet available for Precise from the love-unstable ppa.  No need to worry though the .deb file for Oneiric will work just fine.  

First download the .deb from launchpad, either amd64 or i386.  Then install dependencies by running.
$ sudo apt-get install libdevil1c2 libmng1 libfreetype6 libgl1-mesa-glx liblua5.1-0 libphysfs-1.0-0 libsdl1.2debian libopenal1 libogg0 libvorbis0a libvorbisfile3 libflac8 libflac++6 libmpg123-0 libc6 libgcc1 libphysfs1 libstdc++6
Then install the love-unstable with dpkg
~/Downloads$ dpkg -i love-unstable_0.8.0~r1028-0oneiric1_<amd64/i386>.deb
Run  love-unstable on mari0 
~/mari0$ love-unstable

Enjoy what is possibly the coolest crossover game of all time.


  1. nice there is also a ppa for love engine.

  2. There isn't on precise or at least there wasn't when I wrote this haven't checked recently.

  3. I was able to install love 0.8.0 from the ppa, by using the terminal, not the Software center


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