Earlier this year I made a few goals for myself. One was to run . A lot. The other was to write , a lot more than I have. Sorry to say I haven’t kept either of these really well. Sometimes life get in the way, sometimes things don’t work out the way you hoped, sometimes you set the wrong goals and sometimes you just plain fail. I’d like to say life got in the way and things just happened, but I have to be honest. Running Major failures in the running department. As you can see from the graph below, things were going pretty well for a time. Right on track. However, around the 30k per week mark I started to have nagging shin splints. Not so bad that I was ready to give up running (the proper cure for shin splints) but bad enough I knew I should back off. So I did, only to later end up with shin splints before during and after every running session. It was finally bad enough for me to realize I needed to lay it off...
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