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I think its time to start seeing other distributions...

     I have used Ubuntu for nearly 5 years now and it has been my primary desktop OS sense then.  Ubuntu was my first taste of GNU/Linux so I suppose it will always be my first love in the world of open source operating systems.  

     I have never used another GNU/Linux based operating system as a desktop for a long enough period of time to really get a good feel for it.  I have used Debian a few times for servers and have used Fedora enough to be familiar with it.  I got a Gentoo desktop up and running ; I was feeling particularly masochistic one month.
    I have no major complaints with Ubuntu.  I mean it has been several releases now and I am still not totally used to the Unity desktop environment.  However, that is only an occasional annoyance and its not like you are stuck with Unity if you use Ubuntu.  But now, I do feel it is time to explore other options for a primary desktop OS.  

     The plan is to give several different distros a try for a month or so, using the distribution as my primary operating system on my old Dell laptop. My usage mainly consists of browsing the internet, occasionally gaming and fiddling with Python and other programing languages when I feel like it, so nothing to intense.

    I have started by installing Arch Linux which I will write about in a later post. I'm planning on giving Debian a try next which I assume will feel very similar to Ubuntu. Any suggestions for other distros to try? 


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