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Hipster Zombies

If you love shooting zombies and poking fun at hipster culture, there is one way to satisfy both of your cravings.  Hipster Zombies is a fun light hearted game for Android (and iOS, but ehh) in which you fight off undead hipsters armed with what else but a gun that fires cans of PBR and other hipster paraphernalia.

As you kill the undead you gain coins which you can use to upgrade weapons or buy new ones such as vinyl records and mason jars.  You can also purchase coins from the game store. Occasionally you gain extra coins for "ironic kills" destroying the brain munching scenesters with a taste of there own medicine, pipe smoking hipsters with tobacco pipes, biking hipsters with a "fixie fork", etc.

You unlock different location to defend the more zombies you kill.  These locations become more and more difficult to defend as you go along.  The area you need to defend grows larger giving the zombies more points of attack.

In the most recent update the game started utilizing Google Play Game Services, adding achievements and leader boards.  Which personally is one of my favourite new features of gaming on android though I'm one of the few in my circles using it.

Despite the fact that I am highly offended that apparently riding bikes and smoking pipes is "hipster" Hipster Zombies is a fun, simple, well designed and ironic... game that is worth a look.


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