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What's been happening the last six months anyway

t's been about six months since I've posted anything here or G+ or any other social network for that matter.  So what I have been up to for the part six months?  Well I'll tell you.


  Vegas, I've never had much of a desire to go here no matter how much its been romanticized in our culture.  Its the place to be if you want to make a lot of bad decisions but it is also the place to be if you want to see Celine Dion in concert, which I do obviously.

We saw a lot of slot machines, ads for prostitutes and re-creations of cool statues and buildings.  Only the later of which I really liked but hey you can't see any of those things just any old place.  We also ate some pretty great food including some at restaurants of celebrity chefs like Gordon Ramsay and Wolfgang Puck and I am a sucker for celebrity chefs.

Celine was awesome.  I mean, it was worth it to fly all the way down there just to see the greatest diva of all time belt out love songs while seated next to my awesome wife whom I love.

Having another baby

  This is the biggest thing that has happened in the last six months in my life.  Though, I suppose its not really going to "happen" until around December.  This is one of those occasions in life where I'm both excited and a bit terrified, while at the same time not quite fully aware of the reality of the situation (though that belly is growing so I'm sure this will wear off sooner or later).  We're  finding out the sex of the little person Thursday.

Some how I think knowing it is a little boy or a little girl will make it seem more like a reality, easier to contemplate what the future will be like.  For now when I think about what the future of my family it is a lot of chaos and poopy diapers, so about the same as now. ;)

Bike stolen

  That's right some ass hat just walked right into my front yard and took my sweet ass commuter bike right away from me.  This is my own fault I suppose for leaving it unlocked right in front of my house but hey I hadn't had a problem with it for the past year and a half or so.  I hope they tried shifting to the second front sprocket with the bent tooth and wrecked their face into the pavement... Just say'n

  However I did have several people volunteer to lend/give me their unused bicycles mainly fairly distant acquaintances (thanks again to all those people).  So I guess that proves that the world isn't completly full of a-holes. 

Disney world

  My wife and I love Disney.  We have probably the largest library of Disney movies I have ever seen in my entire life and we can kick anybodies but at Disney Scene It!  Oh and are kids kind of like it too.

  So what could be more fun than taking the family on a big ol' vacation  to Disney World.  Disney World is definitely huge, a little to huge in my opinion.  I prefer the simplicity of Disney Land over the overwhelming enormity of Disney World.  There are however a much wider variety of parks to experience.  Epcot and the Magic Kingdom where my personal favorites.

  All the people and activities were occasional a bit overwhelming for the high-reactive introverts in my family (including myself) but it was a ton of fun when you look at it as a whole.  I mean what grown man doesn't want to be able to say the have autographs from every Disney princess?

  Probably not doing that again for a while though an empty beach or forest sounds a lot more appealing at the moment.


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