I recently stumbled upon a tutorial on how to setup ownCloud on a Debian machine. I had actually never heard of ownCloud until reading this tutorial but now it is one of the projects I am most excited about. ownCloud is an open source project that allows you to use your own server to store files, songs and do a bunch of other stuff. It is similar to the many cloud services available on the web except it never leaves your "custody."
One very easy way to start using ownCloud is to install ownCloud 1.1 from the Ubuntu repository by running:
Getting ownCloud 2 up and running!
Log into your Ubuntu server and install the necessary packages:
At this point you are finished with the command line side of things (hooray!) and now we can finish set up with ownCloud's fancy web interface. Just to go to <your server (IP or hostname)>/owncloud in your browser. Fill out the form to create an admin user. Click advanced, choose either SQLite or MySQL. If SQLite be sure to have install php5-sqlite. fill in form if you chose MySQL. Click on Finish setup and you are finished..
Now you can upload files, songs, add contact, calendar events, edit files, add users and even give those users quota. You can do a ton of stuff. This is awesome service in my opinion. And if you have a public IP address you've got your own bad ass server that you can access from anywhere, so you are just balls deep in awesome!
One very easy way to start using ownCloud is to install ownCloud 1.1 from the Ubuntu repository by running:
$ sudo apt-get install owncloudHowever, ownCloud 1.1 is pretty boring compared to the super sexiness of ownCloud 2.0 in my opinion. So if you are cool with drab old 1.1 then go ahead and just apt-get it. But if you want the sexiness of 2.0 on your Ubuntu server please follow along...
Getting ownCloud 2 up and running!
Log into your Ubuntu server and install the necessary packages:
$ sudo apt-get install apache2 git php5 php5-common php5-sqliteInstall some optional packages if you would like:
$ sudo apt-get install mp3info curl libcurl3 libcurl3-openssl-dev php5-curl zipGet ownCloud via git (see what I did there...):
$ git clone git://gitorious.org/owncloud/owncloud.gitCopy ownCloud to your apache server.
$ sudo cp -r owncloud/ /var/wwwMake www-data the owner of the ownCloud directory:
$ sudo chown -R www-data /var/www/owncloud/
At this point you are finished with the command line side of things (hooray!) and now we can finish set up with ownCloud's fancy web interface. Just to go to <your server (IP or hostname)>/owncloud in your browser. Fill out the form to create an admin user. Click advanced, choose either SQLite or MySQL. If SQLite be sure to have install php5-sqlite. fill in form if you chose MySQL. Click on Finish setup and you are finished..
Now you can upload files, songs, add contact, calendar events, edit files, add users and even give those users quota. You can do a ton of stuff. This is awesome service in my opinion. And if you have a public IP address you've got your own bad ass server that you can access from anywhere, so you are just balls deep in awesome!
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