In a republic like ours one of the greatest things we can do as citizens to influence legislation is to write our representatives and senators to voice our opinion. For this hour in history I strongly suggest writing your representative in congress against SOPA. The Stop Online Piracy Act will allow the U.S. Government to use DNS blocking; the same method used by the PRC, Iran and Syria to censor The Internet and keep there citizens in the dark.
Please help fight SOPA! Fellow The Dallesians and eastern Oregonians please email Greg Walden. You can also sign a petition at to let the white house know what we think about this bill and where they can shove it.
Please help fight SOPA! Fellow The Dallesians and eastern Oregonians please email Greg Walden. You can also sign a petition at to let the white house know what we think about this bill and where they can shove it.
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